Alex Mashinsky’s Celsius Network Transaction History Dating Back to 2018
I received a file containing Alex Mashinsky’s Celsius Network Transaction history dating back to 2018. This extends far beyond the 1 year span disclosed in the SOFA. The file is from a former Celsius Network employee, who also provided me with a brief summary of Alex Mashinsky’s transactions:
“Since the start of 2020, Alex moved $18.1M of tokens off of the Celsius platform, $11.3M of which was Cel token. Alex did not send a single withdrawal from his primary account until May 15, 2022 (peak FUD on Celsius). At this time he withdrew $2.88M of tokens (usdc, btc, and eth), leaving only Cel token in his account. […] Even if he tries to say the withdrawals were for taxes like the FT article mentioned, it directly conflicts with his years of telling customers to not sell crypto to pay taxes, instead take loans against it.” – Former Celsius Network Employee
Per the Celsius UCC, insider clawbacks (which currently extend to 1 year prior to bankruptcy), could be extended to 2-4 years prior if a fraudulent transfer claim can be made if Celsius Network is proven to have been insolvent for years.
Needless to say, I support insider clawbacks.
Access the full spreadsheet: Alex Mashinsky’s Transaction History since 2018.