solXEN 420 miner v.1.1 Instructions

By tech

Views: 57(thanks XenTzu) This guide covers the installation of Rust and Solana, wallet creation and funding on the Solana testnet, and running the 420Miner script. Prerequisites: Get access to a server where you can execute these commands. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) to illustrate the process in this guide.…

Alex Mashinsky’s Celsius Network Transaction History Dating Back to 2018

By tech

Views: 76Alex Mashinsky’s Celsius Network Transaction History Dating Back to 2018 I received a file containing Alex Mashinsky’s Celsius Network Transaction history dating back to 2018. This extends far beyond the 1 year span disclosed in the SOFA. The file is from a former Celsius Network employee, who also provided me with a brief summary…

What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization?

By underground mod

Views: 83When functioning as intended DAOs create a pure form of governance where every participant’s vote contributes to the process and is recorded on the blockchain. What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization?  The purpose of a DAO is to create a structure for decentralized and automated decision making. Typically a DAO functions as a mechanism…