Start an Application Assigned to a Specific CPU in Windows 7, 8, or Vista

By tech

Windows has an option that lets you start an application and set the CPU affinity, which assigns the application to run on a specific CPU in a dual-core system. To start an application you have to pass the affinity flag to the start utility in the command prompt. For instance, if you wanted to start notepad assigned to…

How To Install and Configure OpenVPN On Your DD-WRT Router

By tech

We’ve already covered installing Tomato on your router and how to connect to your home network with OpenVPN and Tomato. Now we are going to cover installing OpenVPN on your DD-WRT enabled router for easy access to your home network from anywhere in the world! What is OpenVPN? A virtual private network (VPN) is a trusted, secure connection…

ULTIMATE All-In-One Root/Flash Guide ►MF3 Root/Recovery Section

By tech

►►AT&T SGH-I337 USERS: DO NOT USE THIS GUIDE IF YOU ARE ON MF3 FIRMWARE.◄◄ Please refer to Post #2 for more information on root and Safestrap Recovery details.This thread exists to keep all the necessary guides and material in one common place for the new users looking for the opportunity to do this right the first time. As always: Know…