XCOM 2 Torrent Download

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XCOM 2 Overview XCOM 2 casts the player as the commander of the eponymous military organization which is now reduced to a resistance force opposing the ongoing alien occupation of the planet. The game is set 20 years after the events of the previous game in 2035 and proved incapable of attenuating the alien threat…

Yakuza 0 Torrent Download

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Yakuza 0 Overview The glitz, glamour, and unbridled decadence of the 80s are back in Yakuza 0. Fight like hell through Tokyo and Osaka with protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and series regular Goro Majima. Play as Kazuma Kiryu and discover how he finds himself in a world of trouble when a simple debt collection goes wrong…

Yooka-Laylee Torrent Download

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Yooka-Laylee Overview Yooka-Laylee is exactly what Playtonic promised: A classic platformer call-back to the golden days of the genre, with all the pluses and minuses that may entail. This game truly captures the essence of what a collect-a-thon type of game should be and picks up as if it was supposed to be Banjo Threeie. The game…