Far Cry Torrent Collection Download

By Fastride302

Far Cry Overview The Story is about a guy named “Jack Carver”, that got paid by a journalist (aka Valerie Constantine) for a specific mission. They traveled on a boat and several soldiers shot the boat down with a Rocket Launcher, which made you wake up on the beach, with no clue of where Valerie went. Your…

Fallout Torrent Collection Download

By Fastride302

Fallout 2 Overview Fallout 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG’ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future. It’s been 80 long years since your ancestors trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path…

Borderlands Collection Torrent Download

By Fastride302

Borderlands Overview Borderlands has all the fundamentals of an FPS game. The shooting feels good and there’s a wide range of guns with a unique feel to all of them without sacrificing movement. FPS makes up the core gameplay and how you interact with the world and NPCs in terms of combat, and it feels…