Timesys Unveils LinuxLink BSP/SDK for MityARM-3359 SoM (TI AM335x)

By tech

Critical Link is an electronics product development company that provides “MityDSP” and “MityARM” System on Modules and Timesys is a software company working on Embedded Linux, which provides LinuxLink, a software development framework for embedded Linux application development. Both companies have partnered to offers LinuxLink BSP/SDK for MityARM-3359 SoM based on Texas Instruments Sitara AM335x…

Nightly Builds for AllWinner A10 U-boot, Linux Kernel and Hardware Packs

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Kent of SCUZ Technologies has graciously provided a build machine (Intel Xeon E5645) for Rhombus Tech (and possibly other) open source projects, and I’ve setup nightly build scripts for AllWinner A10 kernel, bootloader (u-boot) and hardware packs for Mele A1000 (HDMI), Mele A1000 (VGA), A10 mini PCs (using MK802 script.bin) as well as a server build for…

MK802 Ubuntu Images with optional Droidmote

By tech

MK802 Ubuntu Images with optional Droidmote Here at Miniand we have been hard at work getting Linux images working on the MK802, and we have successfully built Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu images. We have Droidmote server available through a PPA, so you can control the device using your Android phone. The current version of…