How to Setup a VPN Server Using a DD-WRT Router

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How to Setup a VPN Server Using a DD-WRT Router We have previously covered how to set up a PPTP VPN Server using Debian Linux here on Sysadmin Geek, however if you are already utilizing a DD-WRT firmware based router in your network then you can easily configure your router to act as the PPTP VPN Server.…

p2p-gui [Android] [ROOT] [GPLV3] [BETA]

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  p2pgui P2PGUI is a GUI front-end based on Kos’ P2PADB Framework What is p2pgui? p2pgui is an app based on Kos’ p2padb framework. The app itself is self containted except for Kos’ Lockscreen bypass app (antiguard.apk and What does it do? p2pgui allows you to connect two via USB OTG Cable and execute comands on the…

Kingo Android Root

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– Kingo Android Root is a well-designed, aesthetically pleasing application for Windows based computers that forgoes the device specific route, and offers rooting for a lot of Android devices from a variety of manufacturers. Supported phones include the likes of Google Nexus lineup, several HTC devices including HTC One, One X, One V, Droid Eris,…