Shark for Root
Traffic sniffer, works on 3G and WiFi (works on FroYo tethered mode too). To open dump use WireShark or similar software, for preview dump on phone use Shark Reader. Based on tcpdump.
Let's Mod Your Life
Traffic sniffer, works on 3G and WiFi (works on FroYo tethered mode too). To open dump use WireShark or similar software, for preview dump on phone use Shark Reader. Based on tcpdump.
Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap mainly developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for android is a Nmap apps for your phone! Once your scan finishes you can e-mail the results. This application is not…
Notes / What’s New v2.44 contains all of the following on top of v2.40 which is the current Play Store version. Note: this is a beta. 07.01.2015 – v2.44 – BETA – su.d scripts no longer use logwrapper, this can prevent some scripts from running – supolicy timing adjustment (MotoG 2014 fix?) 03.01.2015 – v2.43…