Replace Windows Search

By underground mod

Everything Search is faster, more efficient, and a better Windows Search. This guide shows you how to setup everything and a toolbar for quick access. Installation Everything Search Official Download Site: Powershell Install: Copy OR Copy Everything Toolbar Getting the right version of everything toolbar is important. Version 0.8+ (Currently Beta ONLY) is compatible with…

Codename Gordon and other games hidden on Steam

By underground mod

Codename Gordon is not HL3 but a fun game in its own right and there’s nothing wrong with free. Then we have of course the notorious Spacewar, a port of the first computer game which is now used to run illegal game copies on Steam. In fact, there’s a whole slew of games free to download…

Running a SteamOS VM in ProxMox VE

By underground mod

Post-Installation Steps (Optional, but recommended) Setting Up Steam in SteamOS A full tutorial for passing a physical disk to a VM can be found here SteamOS is our Linux-based operating system. The base system draws from Debian 8, code named Debian Jessie. Our work builds on top of the solid Debian core and optimizes it for…