NetCut: WifiKill for PC – Disable Internet of other wifi users

By tech

Few months back, I shared an Android app called wifkill to kick other devices off a wifi network. Let’s do the same thing again, but this time with a windows PC. A small software utility called NetCut(popularly known as Wifikill for PC) does the same thing which the wifikill apk app does. The main problem…

WiFiKill : Kick other devices off a WiFi Network with Android app

By tech

You can do many cool things with your android phone. But you might not know that your android phone is much more capable of doing heavy things. Do you know that you can disable other people’s Wi-Fi internet connections on the same network? This can be done with an app called WiFiKill. I am writing…

How to Uninstall Windows 10’s Built-in Apps (and How to Reinstall Them)

By tech

Windows 10 includes a variety of universal apps, and there’s no easy way to hide them from the “All Apps” view in the new Start menu. You can uninstall them, but Microsoft doesn’t allow you to easily uninstall them in the usual way. You probably don’t want to do this. These apps take up very…