Anti Mining Token (AMT) Airdrop EOS

By tech

Anti Mining Token (AMT) Airdrop March 4, 2020EOSioLeave a commentAnti Mining Token Airdrop on EOS The Anti Mining Token airdrop on EOS gives REX stakers the chance to claim AMT tokens once every 24 hours. Claim AMT (Anti Mining Token) Airdrop on EOS How to claim the AMT airdrop Stake EOS into REXThe more EOS…

How To CPU Mine Verium Reserve (VRM). POOL

By tech

  A video showing how to mine Verium using the CPU pool miners that are available. I tested cpuminer-opt and Veriumminer to confirm which mines the fastest at the pool. Link to Wallet Install & Setup Video –… Official Website – Wallet Download Win 64bit –… Cpuminer-opt & Sample batch file Download…