RegionLock Away v1.3 [ROOT]

By tech

  Sammy, in their never-ending quest to make sure they’ve pissed off every single one of their customers at least once, have decided to region lock their latest model devices. This means for example that you cannot use a European device with an American, Middle Eastern, Asian, … , SIM card. You’d still be able…

[RoM]&[KERNEL]&[RECOVERY][LOKI-&-SafeStrap][I337-XXUGNG2-4.4.2-KK][SHOstock-i v8.1]

By tech

TO SEE SCREENSHOTS, CLICK HERE! Quote: Come to IRC FREENODE channel #shostockPLEASE REVIEW CHANGELOG FOR CHANGES AND ADDITIONAL FEATURESKernel is in POST#3 Recovery is in POST#4 Quote: Based on Samsung firmware XXUGNG2 Android 4.4.2r2 Quote: ~Debloated — DeOdexed — ZipAligned ~Stock Kernel built from XXUFNB8 (Update-5) source (SElinux Permissive, init.d) (SEE POST 3 for more…


By tech

Welcome to Skyfall FEATURES – UCUFNI1, touchwiz 4.4.2, at&t latest fw, rooted, deodexed, zipaligned, init.d support – aroma installer, works with any gsm carrier,safestrap support, busybox, zipalign script – sqlite3 script, incall recording, apps2sd,l supersu, added ability to edit apn’s – wifi tethering, scheduled sms sending, disabled battery full nag, extended reboot menu – enabled…