HTC EVO Shift 4G Custom ROM List

By tech

*This list of Custom ROM is only for HTC EVO Shift 4G* *Flash your device at your own risk* (08/13/2011) [SS] DestroyerRom V2   (08/12/2011) [SS] MIUI 1.8.12 (port)   (08/10/2011) [SS] Supreme Sense V2 (S2.1+3   (08/09/2011) [SS] MikShifted-G v1.5 (S2.1+3)   (08/04/2011) [SS] Official Stock Rooted   (07/12/2011) [SS] gingerbread-shift-deck 1.2.1 (2.3.4)  …

HTC Magic (MT3G) Custom ROM List

By tech

*This list of custom ROM is only for HTC Magic/Sapphire/MT3G* *Flash your device at your own risk* (08/02/2011) [SS] Ginger yoshi 1.3 (2.3.4) (07/30/2011) [SS] CGX-Magic 1.0.1 (2.3.5)(32A) (07/19/2011) [SS] Diet Gingerbread v07192011 (07/14/2011) [SS] GBRider Cronos v2.0.1 (2.3.4)(32A) (07/10/2011) [SS] CM7.1 (U)(2.3.4) (06/16/2011) [SS] SFM 1.2 (2.3.3)(32A) (04/18/2011) [SS] T-Mobile OTA Froyo 2.2.1 (32B)(CM6)…

HTC Thunderbolt Custom ROM List

By tech

*This list of Custom ROM is only for HTC Thunderbolt* *Flash your device at your own risk* (07/05/2011) [SS] SynergyROM  (07/03/2011) [SS] BAMF Sense 3.0 GB RC4 (07/01/2011) [SS] Das BAMF 1.8.6 (2.2) (06/30/2011) [SS] Cyanogenmod V7 RC1.1 (06/30/2011) [SS] Eaton Rom v1.5.2 [MR2] (06/21/2011) [SS] Lightning Rom v4.1 (06/20/2011) [SS] Das BAMF 2.1 (GB)…