Phone-2-Phone adb Framework

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  p2p-adb Framework Phone-2-Phone adb Framework – A project for “debugging” phones… from other phones. A loose framework to assist in pulling data, making system changes, etc, with minimal user input. Media Featured on Hak5 ( Presented at DerbyCon 2012 ( DerbyCon 2012 slides ( (PDF) Goal/Reason Attacking another device by plugging directly into it has always been something I thought…

p2p-gui [Android] [ROOT] [GPLV3] [BETA]

By tech

  p2pgui P2PGUI is a GUI front-end based on Kos’ P2PADB Framework What is p2pgui? p2pgui is an app based on Kos’ p2padb framework. The app itself is self containted except for Kos’ Lockscreen bypass app (antiguard.apk and What does it do? p2pgui allows you to connect two via USB OTG Cable and execute comands on the…

How to Access Shared Windows Folders and Stream Videos Over Wi-Fi on Android

By tech

  Want to play videos from your computer on your Android, without the hassle of copying them to your device’s internal storage? Share a folder over the network with Windows. You can copy files back and forth over Wi-Fi, too. Android doesn’t include built-in functionality for connecting to Windows shared folders or HomeGroups, but it’s…