Installation guide S17, S17 Pro, S17E, S17+

By tech

Important Notes There are three ways to install Hiveon ASIC firmware for S17, S17 Pro, S17+ and S17E — everything depends on the stock firmware release date. We will cover all the options, so you will be able to install Hiveon ASIC firmware quickly and easily. Please note, that all the manual steps which involve…

Hacker steals $12 million in wrapped bitcoin from DeFi platform pNetwork

By tech

Quick TakeDeFi platform pNetwork was attacked for 277 bBTC — a version of wrapped bitcoin — yesterday.It has offered a $1.5 million bounty for the funds to be returned. pNetwork, a cross-chain decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol, announced late Sunday that it suffered an attack and lost 277 pBTC (worth over $12 million at current prices).pBTC…

The Layperson’s Guide to Hex with commentary from me NrdGrl007

By tech

Since its inception, HEX has been the most controversial (and most profitable) project in cryptocurrency. In fact, the rampant anti-HEX sentiment is what led me to look into the project. Without getting all into the many reasons I research crypto tribalism, let me just say that in this specific case, the primary reason I care…