Open a browser software, enter the IP address of your Pfsense firewall and access web interface.

In our example, the following URL was entered in the Browser:


The Pfsense web interface should be presented.Pfsense login

On the prompt screen, enter the Pfsense Default Password login information.

• Username: admin
• Password: pfsense

After a successful login, you will be sent to the Pfsense Dashboard.Pfsense dashboard

Access the Pfsense System menu and select the User manager option.pfsense user manager menu

On the User manager screen, access the Users tab and create a new account.pfsense user account

On the User creation screen, perform the following configuration:

• Username – Enter a username
• Password – Enter the user password
• Full name – Enter the User full name
• Expiration Date – Optionally, Enter an expiration date

Click on the Save button, you will be sent back to the User configuration screen.pfsense user settings

Now, you need to edit the permissions of the new user account.pfsense user properties

On the User account properties, locate the Effective Privileges area and click on the Add button.

On the User privilege area, perform the following configuration:

• Assigned privileges: User – Services: Captive Portal loginpfsense captive portal user privileges

Click on the Save button to finish the configuration.

PFSense – Captive Portal Configuration

Access the Pfsense Services menu and select the Captive Portal option.pfsense captive portal menu

On the Captive portal screen, add a new zone and click on the Save and Continue button.pfsense captive portal zone

On the Captive portal screen, perform the following configuration:

• Enable Captive Portal – Yes
• Interfaces – Interface where the Captivate portal should be enabled
• Idle timeout (Minutes) – 10 minutes
• After authentication Redirection URL – Desired URL to redirect the user after a successfull authentication
• Concurrent user logins – Enabledpfsense captive portal configurationpfsense captive portal configuration2

On the Authentication area, perform the following configuration:

• Authentication Method – Use an Authentication backend
• Authentication Server – Local
• Local Authentication Privileges – Yespfsense captive portal authentication

Click on the Save button to finish the pfsense Captive Portal Configuration.

Keep in mind that the local DHCP server must offer the Pfsense firewall as the network gateway.

Congratulations! You have finished the Captive portal configuration on a Pfsense server.