If your looking for a great Vpn service for Torrenting or just web browsing look no more with freevpn.me you get high quality service for free i have been using them for a few months now and it is everything they claim to be so go check them out and leave a comment let other know what you thing. If you find there service usefull drop your paid service and donate to them trust me it will worth it there donation link is at the bottom.
Enjoy all the premium features you would expect from a paid vpn provider but all for FREE!, and by free we do not mean low quality. In fact, our mission is to build a free vpn service by providing all the commercial/enterprise level features to the end-user with no charge and no registration required.
So feel free to take advantage of this free vpn service and tell your friends about it, because everyone has a right to privacy, freedom of opinion and access to an open and unrestricted online internet experience.
“An Anonymous VPN Service created by pro-privacy supporters of Net Neutrality to ensure your online privacy.”
Using state-of-the art encryption technologies such as AES-256, freevpn.me routes your traffic through a an encrypted tunnel between you and the world wide web, hiding your real IP address to ensure you maintain privacy and protection online from your ISP, hackers, ID thieves and to defeat government censorship.
No Logging
All our servers are hosted in off-shore locations where logging user traffic is not required by any local laws.
Strong Encryption
Even after combining all the world’s super-computers together, it would take millions of years to crack AES encryption.
Free OpenVPN
Why would you use closed-source clients of other providers? OpenVPN is the best most trusted open-source vpn client in the world.
Free Double VPN
Using a Multihop network, encrypted traffic is passed through additional layers of security so no one will ever be able to find out your real IP address or track your browsing habits.
P2P Allowed
Download Torrents and use file sharing services safely and anonymously without fear of letters from CISPA or your ISP.
- Unlimited Bandwidth
Whether you are an occasional web surfer, or a heavy downloader, you will always receive the best speeds possible with no bandwidth restrictions.
Paypal: donation@freevpn.me
- ** Any form of spamming, fraud, attacks and hacking are not protected by our privacy policy
- ** Help keep this service free, if you find it useful please donate FreeVPN.ME