
P2PGUI is a GUI front-end based on Kos’ P2PADB Framework

What is p2pgui?

p2pgui is an app based on Kos’ p2padb framework. The app itself is self containted except for Kos’ Lockscreen bypass app (antiguard.apk and installanti.sh).

What does it do?

p2pgui allows you to connect two via USB OTG Cable and execute comands on the victim phone via ADB. Commands available:

  1. Steal Photos –> This command uses adb to pull all files from the victim phones /sdcard/DCIM/Camera and put them in a folder called /sdcard/victim_photos on your phone.

  2. Steal Data –> This command uses adb to pull all files from the victim phone’s /sdcard/data folder and put them in a folder called /sdcard/victim_data on your phone

  3. Bypass Lockscreen –> This command uses installAnti.sh to install and run AntiGuard.apk (thanks to Kos) which bypasses the lock screen on the victim phone.


  1. Attack Phone (Your Phone) needs ADB, Root, and OTG support
  2. USB OTG (On The Go) Cable
  3. Victim Phone needs ADB Running (Most custom ROMS leave it on by default, some times it’s on from the carier too)

Tested Against

  1. CM9/10/10.1
  3. AOSP Stock ICS/JB


Note: If you’re looking to report a bug, please use the issue tracker in GitHub. Support can also be found that way.

Thanks to @thekos for his original idea p2p-adb and AnitGuard/installAnti.sh

x942 (me) for p2pgui app