As it is from the developer that brought you so many hit games that we love such as Scrabble, The SIMS 3, Tetris, Monopoly, Madden NFL 12, Need For Speed Shift, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, Simcity Deluxe and many more, we can judge that this game also has great graphic quality.
This version of FIFA 12 works for all devices now. Choose your download base on your device specs!
Your Device must have Android 2.3 or above to run Fifa 2012 !
Note: After you download the installer from bellow, you must turn ON your WiFi connection and start the game. The game will ask you to start downloading the rest of the game (about 1,5GB of data)
Links Updated, more devices support now !
Download Link (For 480×800 screens, like HTC Desire HD or Samsung Galaxy S2)