The Samsung Epic 4G is the Sprint’s version of the Samsung Galaxy S. It is different from all other U.S. variants of the Galaxy S, since it sports a slide-out four-row QWERTY keyboard. The handset also supports Sprint’s 4G WiMAX network.
Download Kernels
Almostock Kernel
- Based on stock EH06 kernel with few tweaks
- EXT4 support
- Rooted
- Juwe’s RAM tweak
- Improved SD card read/write speed
- Custom boot animation
- Supports only Samsung firmware based ROMs (EH06)
The latest version and download link can be found here.
EH17Plus Rooted
- Based on stock EH17 kernel with few tweaks
- Rooted
- EXT4 support
- Integrated CWM
- VM tweaks
- Juwe’s RAM tweak
- Custom boot anitmations
- Supports only Samsung firmware based ROMs (EH17)
The laetst version and download link can be found here.
Genocide EC05 Kernel
- Dual boot support
- Supports ROM manager
- Voodoo sound v10
- Voodoo Color
- Supports CIFS and TUN
- OC/UV support (Up to 1.4GHz)
- Supports only Samsung firmware based ROMs (DK28, EB13 and EC05)
The latest version and download link can be found here.