I haven’t seen this post here and seeing that i’m not a member of slatedroid i thought i’ll repost this here to see if anyone else is running this Rom Here.
New modded version of Official ICS 4.0.3 is now available
“Standard disclaimer: Use at your own risk
Elvish 0.3 (mirror)
md5: 04e67989d9e227fe3ce83ab1bccda3a7
CWM flashable zip: Elvish0.3 (mirror)
md5: 4e1cc9057b84e310ce0075eaebc9ab05
CWM patch that will remove the soft volume keys and remap Menu/Home to Vol-/Vol+ http://minus.com/mbriw6OuZt/1f
CWM update to revert to Elvish 0.2 kernel http://steevp.minus.com/mpFiSfhlx (may improve battery drain)
Sat Apr 7 Battery testing results are in: http://www.flashmyan…ry-Test-Results ……and the winner is…..Elvish!
– Based on OFW 0313 baseband 1.0
– Fixed Wifi network location
– Added volume soft key buttons (Will remove if people don’t like)
– Changed accelerometer coordinate system from “special” to “default” (seems to work better with most games)
– No more overclocked version, use the included app “CPU master” to change your CPU speed. If there is a high demand for an overclocked version then I will make one.
– Left in the stock Launcher this time, you get to choose which Launcher you want to use on the first boot.
– ClockWorkMod Recovery preinstalled
– Renamed to Elvish (Thanks Dansplans for the suggestion)
– Fixed Extsd write permission
– Added missing xml files and Galaxy SII fingerprint for Market
– New bootanimation
– Initial release
Slight modification of OFW 4.0.3v9 with the following changes:
– Chinese stuff removed
– Rooted (properly with Superuser)
– Full Gapps (except face unlock because it wouldn’t work)
– Nova Launcher
– Overclocked to 1152MHz (1008MHz version also available)
– Preinstalled apps: Google Music, Titanium Backup, Chrome Beta
– Other small tweaks (/ and /system mounted rw, created busybox symlinks, etc)
More will come as I learn about the device
WARNING: I do not know the long term effects of overclocking your CPU!
Version 0.2:
(Elvish 0.2(1008Mhz version)) ( Mirror)
md5: c5b02ea93b3ec23c849033dff0533fb1
(Elvish 0.2(1152MHz version)) ( Mirror)
md5: 7433dcaedc4ce5ebd866369d25c2fe1a
(SteevROM 0.1(1152MHz version)) (mirror)
md5: 3e294aaf86c80634e4f0394f7ffde14a
(SteevROM 0.1(1008MHz version)) (mirror)
md5: 9ed7e86f2b9ba01eb95a76d901bccb4a
LiveSuit V1.07 http://www.mediafire…idmeiyvr8xbt6rd
Ainol_usb_driver http://www.mediafire…oo4fo44mbkpbz4i
Apk Autoinstaller script http://www.slatedroi…staller-script/
Skype version confirmed working in Elvish 0.3 http://www.mediafire…5sbz3w6bdici1ae Thanks to Stew Magoo
Open LiveSuit then follow instructions.”
Original post http://www.flashmyan…PDATED-20120327
Thanks Steev for this terrific ROM
This post has been edited by Dansplans: 22 April 2012 – 09:23 AM