Main features
Based on MIUIAndroid 2.3.30 v2
Everything works! (except OTA updates, we’re working on it)
Aroma Installer
ICS control application – gives you more… well, control…
Three way reboot
Glitch kernel
QQ launcher in /data
Google apps.
If something doesnt work, the fix must be in the second post.
– How to set up notification panel: long press on the “…” icon on the right of toggles
– Flash this zip via CWM
– Wipe data/factory reset if not comming from Galnet MIUI-v4, drZMIUIv4, or MyUI Euphoria.
– after a first quick flash (if comming from a BML base) recovery may bootloop. Pull battery and flash again (this is due to different SD card mounting points between roms and kernel)
– First boot will take some times, please wait for lockscreen
Versioning clarification:
Euphoria is based on CM9b14 and MIUI framework
Build number MyUI is like that: y.m.d_hhmm, it means the rom has been cooked on year 201y, month m, day d, at hh hours mm minutes[/indent]
To support us, please do not block the ads and areas, and visit
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our forum or
our download zone regulary

You may also press thanks button and/or donate
There is also a beta test program, please PM me if interested and motivated 
RolluS and Sepherian