Official Changelog


Thunderbolt! removed from the system v2.4
TURKBEY scripts added to the system
Files folder icons changed
Wifi battery screen icons in the notification data has changed
Some of the icons in the system changed
Added 13.5 Jkay Mode
Animated screen notification was included in the system
New Youtube Changes in some sense anyway
The alarm clock has been fixed some problems
added VolumeFix
Added a new calculator
New Boot Animation

JKAYMOD 13.5.0

Features in v13.5 (bold is added since v13.4.1):
* Added Wi-Fi hotspot quick settings button
* Added the 4 power buttons (reboot, recovery, download and power off) to quick settings panel too (by request!)
* Fixed: Zero percent battery bug (phone rebooted when 0 percent was reached)
* Fixed: Quick launch panel bug where icons from apps installed on sd card were not shown correctly)
* Fixed: Quick settings panel bug where SystemUI would FC when phone was rebooted when ‘Screen on’ toggle was enabled
* Fixed: Quick settings panel bug where Auto-rotation text would change position after update
* Fixed: Quick settings panel bug where Data toggle button state could get out of sync

My personal touch
Changed default language to English
Galaxy SII Boot Animation
Updated updater-script
Updated build.prop
Switched default wallpaper
Switched default lockscreen
Removed – Allshare, Accuweather, DownloadAll, FactoryTest, FmRadio, lcdtest, MIUImusic, Kies, KiesAir, KiesWifi, PolarisOffice, Realcalc, SamsngApps, SamsngAppsUNA, SamsungIM, SnsAccountFb, SnsAccountLi, SnsAccountMs, SnsAccountTw, SnsDisclaimer, SnsImageCache, SnsProvider, SocialHub, Software Update, Swype, Voice Search, Voice To Go, Voice Search // Ringtones
Added – Adblock, BetterBatteryStats, CPUspy, Swype Installer
320mb slimmed to 256mb

My Changelog

Entropy 2/07 Kernel
Removed Realcalc
Removed Swype - Added Swype Installer (also will post themed Swypes below)
Added BBS
Changed lockscreen

Removed : Allshare, Accuweather, Software Update, Video Editor, Voice Search, Voice To Go, Voice Search // Ringtones
Changed updater-script
Switched default wallpaper
Cleaned up build.prop (still needs changes)

Installation Instructions:
Must have CWM / Redpill Recovery
1. Download and place it on your sdcard.
2. Reboot into Recovery.
3. Nandroid Backup!!!!
4. Choose “wipe data/factory reset”
5. Select “Install zip from sdcard” and then choose
6. Wait for it to finish then go back to the main menu and choose “reboot system now”.

*First boot will take 5-15 minutes so don’t touch your phone!*
If you can not pass the initial setup, just sign in and reboot, then skip setup

Downloads – 257mb

Turkbey gave me permission to post this, so enjoy!