Full credit of course goes to Gokhanmoral. Go thank him for creating this great fully customizable kernel RIGHT NOW!!!
This kernel is built from Gokhanmoral’s source with some tweeks to make everything run smoothly on our I777’s
Click “Thanks” if you like what you see or donate with my link.
Download v3.0.1 – CWM Flashable
WITH mic swap (use this one if you are using a ROM directly from the I9100 forum, AOKP or CM9)
WITHOUT mic swap (use this one if you are using a ROM from OUR I777 forum like UCPLCx or anything based on these)
http://www.mediafire.com/?ad7w3dr35p1cr53It wont hurt your phone at all if you go with the wrong one and only takes a minute to flash the other.
- If you are having issues with random reboots, you might need to run a kernel cleaner CWM script to clean things up. Here is a link to the main page for Jivy’s script:
- Should work with all ICS builds: Sammy, AOSP and AOKP roms
- Auto-Rooting
- Custom Touch Recovery
- Boot animation support
- ExTweaks support
- Supports SetCPU (OC up to 1600Mhz, UC down to 100Mhz)
- Supports UV/OC for GPU
- Supports voltage control via SetCPU
- Thunderbolt script support
- Thunderbolt script support
- BLN support
- More to come as I think of them…
- MIUIANDROID (use “WITH mic swap kernel”)
- AOKP (use “WITH mic swap kernel”)
- CM9 (use “WITH mic swap kernel”)
- Criskelo (use “WITHOUT mic swap kernel”)
- Shostock2 (use “WITHOUT mic swap kernel”)
- Phone-Bricker (use “WITH mic swap kernel”)