SHOstock part deux! v1.3.

PLEASE, PLEASE Do not post about SOD’s. Its a known issue Kernel DEVs are working on.

Please post the bloat/apk’s you would like and I’ll post them in Post#2

Thanks to:

Entrophy for Kernel
gtg465x for his github.
dsxisda for the kitchen
Wanam/lidroid for the 15 toggle MOD
Fenny for the modified Email.apk
jeboo for help with smali
JohnMcW for the Boot Animation
#sgs2-att for testing…..


New Base:
-i9100-UHLPE North America Variant
-UCPLC5 Modem
-Entropy512’s ZombieAss Kernel 4/4/12
-Extended power menu with No Header (added Recovery and Download)
-Removed VideoCall References removed from Contacts/Dialer/Phone
-Updated MMS.apk adjusted.onverting to mms; Increased sending limit to 1MB -and 3.2mp resolution; Themed
-Removed SMS/MMS in call log
-Lowered Low battery notification to 10%
-Enabled SIP over 3G
-Disabled Wake when unplugging from Charger/USB
-Smooth Spinner Animations
-Enabled 5-Bar Signal Icons
-Software Update removed from /Settings/About Phone
-Home Button Lag fix
-Accurate battery MOD
-Themed statusbar, dropdown and toggles a touch – WIP
-Enabled 5Ghz WiFi
-Added WiFi scan-180 in build.prop
-Added host file for adblock
-Disabled the full charge notifications. I believe I got all of them… sound/vibrate/icon
-Fix my error in build.prop and gave att UCLC2 SPECS
-Added ICS keyboard
-ATT APN fully supported
-Added Email/Exchange APK’s
-Added APEX Launcher v1.05 (US-TW4 on steriods)
-Email.apk SecurityPIN Bypass (in POST#2)
-Camera.apk-(Removed low battery crap and in a call crap)(Volume Rocker Shutter)
-Added StayAwake when Plugged and HDCP Options in Developer Settings
-NO Increasing ring on incoming call
-In Call Recording
-Play Market 3.5.16
-Removed ME in Contacts (Unless you have G+)-> Thanks Jeboo
-Lockscreen FlashLight (Hold Home Key in Lockscreen. FaceUnlock must press the lock to show the PIN/Pattern for it to work).
-AOSP Lockscreen
-Removed anything FindMyMobile Related (Will FC if you try to set)

 UPDATE: RC1; Initial Release. UPDATE: RC2; -Home Button Lag fix -Accurate battery MOD -Themed statusbar, dropdown and toggles a touch - WIP -Enabled 5Ghz WiFi -Added WiFi scan-180 in build.prop -CRT off animation -Added host file for adblock -APN Fixed UPDATE: RC3; -Updated kernel #164 -Signal bars to 5 BARS -Darkened the off toggle icons some. -Disabled the full charge notifications. I believe I got all of them... sound/vibrate/icon -Fix my error in build.prop and gave att UCLC2 SPECS -Added ICS keyboard -APN typo fixed -Swapped send/attach button in MMS.apk and themed it. -Added Email/Exchange APK's UPDATE: RC4; -Swapped SMS/MMS buttons and compiled with previous apktool.jar -Removed crappy intl-TW4 -Added APEX Launcher (US-TW4 on steriods) -Removed SocialHub crap -Added Video Editor -Added Samsungservice.apk to restore FIND ME function in Setting -Added UCLC2 modem -Re-added Hosts for adblocking Update: RC5; -Back to UCKK6 modem -Added 15 toggle mod-WIP -Blacked out dialer -Removes video call in landscape -Added native sip calling Update:RC6; -Extended power menu with No Header (added Recovery and Download) -Removed Videocall button when ending the call -Fine tuned the toggle text Theming: -Notification dropdown -Setting background -Dialer background -Incall dialer -Contacts background -Edited the wifi files to closer match UCLC2 (Hope that helps some people) -Updated Apex Launcher to 1.0.4 -Update YouTube.apk Update: v1.0 -Updated to EntropyDD_ICS #202 -Updated Email.apk to bypass PIN ->Thanks Fenny -Reverted Wifi files to RC2 -Removed all VideoCall references in Contacts and Call Log. -> Thanks jeboo for helping -Removed CRT animation -> Will provide addon Update: v1.1 -Updated to DD-ICS#204 (Enabled Dual-Core) -Camera.apk-(Removed low battery crap and in a call crap)(Volume Rocker Shutter) -Added StayAwake when Plugged and HDCP Options in Developer Settings -Unlocked some wallpapers ->Thanks Ryude -Made new background for Dialer/Contects and Settings...WIP(Some Experience Banding) Update: v1.3 -NO Increasing ring on incoming call -In Call Recording -Apex v1.05 -Play Market 3.5.16 -Removed ME in Contacts -> Thanks Jeboo -Zombie Ass Kernel 4/4/12 -Modem UCPLC5 -Lockscreen FlashLight (Hold Home Key in Lockscreen. FaceUnlock must press the lock to show the PIN/Pattern for it to work). -AOSP Lockscreen -Removed anything FindMyMobile Related (Will FC if you try to set) Stock Email.apk back in ROM. Fenny Modded one in Post#2 -No Boot Sound -New Boot Animation ->Thanks to JohnMcW -In Ext Pwr Menu; Removed the "Are You Sure You Want To...." from Shutdown,Restart,Recovery,Download 


Whatever I feel like doing 

DOWNLOAD v1.3 (229mb)
Full Wipe REQUIRED when coming from ANY GB based ROM or OTHER ICS based ROM


You must be running a kernel with CWM.
~Download*SHOstock2*ROM and place it on your internal SD card.
~Install SHOstock by navigating to the location on the internal SDcard.
~Reboot the phone
