Original Thread
Fix UNLOCK lag [Go to Deluxe Settings>misc options> uncheck home button double click]

. Illusion-xT v1.8.0 – Android 2.3.6
( XWLA4 l STABLE l MULTILANGUAGE | THEMED #ICS || Controlable Voltages with SetCPU/VoltageControl (VControl recommended))
It takes at least 10-15 min to install and boot
If you put this rom in another page, please put the link above: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show….php?t=1403044
- Based on Samsung’s official firmware XILA2&XWKL1 Gingerbread 2.3.6 –
- Kernel for SGH-i777 @200-1200mhz– based on modified Siyah source (thanks to gokhanmoral)– Overclock to 1720mhz – Voltage control with SetCPU or Voltaje Control– CWM Included (thanks to ChainFire)
- AutoBackup /efs in sdcard (.illusion folder)
- Rooted
- New Market 3.3.4 included
- Available Freqs: CPU lulzactive, interactive, smartassV2, conservative, ondemand, ondemandx, performance
- ICS theme with some mods. (thanks to Vertumuss)
- Optimized for Performance and save battery.
- Multi CSC
- GO Launcher EX 2.69 mod (modified ver. of GoLauncherEx by me)
- GO Locker (to enable lockscreens, uninstallable and you could use Jkay)
- Hacked Camera (thanks to criskelo)
- Jkay Deluxe included (thanks to Jkay)
- Phone.apk with Call Recording +ICS theme (thanks to anarko919)
- Browser with UserAgent
- Modified keyboard ICS xt9 working.
- Tweaks RAM Memory & my own settings/tweaks.
- Gtalk with Videocall.
- Bus & GPU Undervolt on sleep mode.
- Support Sony Bravia Engine.
- BootAnimation Blu Plazma II (thanks to his creator).
- EStrongs File Explorer
- Google Maps
- Adobe Flash
- BLN Control
- Supports OpenVPN
- “Fast”, clean & stable.
- Updated Host block & apn lists added.
- Tweaks HD video & photos.
- Renderization with GPU.
- Superuser Permissions 3.0.7 by ChainsDD thx
- Updated busybox
- Bash Support.
- Added Voice Search, & Google Search
- Disabled boot sound..
- Zipaligned
- Deodexed
- RTL Language supported.
- more I will update when I remember
- –
- Included Languages: Cestina, dansk, deutsch, english, spanish, estonian, français, hrvatski, icelandic, irish, italiano, kazakh, latviesu, lietuviu, macedonian, magyar, nederlands, norwegian, polski, português, româna, slovencina, slovenscina, suomi, svenska, türkçe, greek, russian, etc.
-Enter to recovery, power on by [volume+, Home + Power], do Wipe Factory /data, & Wipe Cache.
-Flash ROM .
-Reboot (First time it can takes some time to boot 10min..).
-When you have configured all, reboot another time to get more stability.
ChangeLog Illusion-xT
- New Samsung’s base XWLA4 2.3.6.
- Optimized all apk’s with 0 compression level, more performance and stability
- Modified theme and improves to new base.
- New modem LPB.
- Modded base to make Jkay working with new base
- Modified Services.jar led on sms/mms
- Minor tweaks.
- Zipalign
ChangeLog older releases
- FINAL Gingerbread Release.
- Fix Bluetooth audio.
- Some fixes in framework & theme.
- Minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
1.7.0 & 1.7.1:
- Kernel v10 Rebuilt more stable.
- Re-based on 50% XWKL1 50% XILA2 (problems with some mergings)
- Changed vm.heapsize, should improve tasking.
- Improves on animations, smooth anim.
- Some icons improves.
- Fixed GPU Voltages, stable.
- Updated GoLauncherEX to 2.75 (problems updating and theming 2.76).
- Changed Wallpaper.
- Changed lockscreen wallpaper.
- Minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
- _
- Fix QuickView
- Fix Polaris Office
- Updated Maps
- New kernell Illusion-xTreme v8 (based on siyah thanks to gokhanmoral)
- Improves on kernel for lag in games.
- Improves on unlock lag.
- Improves on performance.
- Better battery.
- UV bus & int volt.
- Disabled FastDormancy at boot (save power)
- Fix lockscreen jkay icons.
- Updated Miui.
- Power save of Browser.
- Tweaks virtual memory (for battery)
- More dedicated memory to HD video playing
- Changed default Wallpaper.
- Minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
- Based on New Samsung’s Base XILA2 2.3.6 and mixed with XWKL1 (to make jkay and others working).
- Changed modem to XXLP1
- Enabled BLN on SMS/MMS Services.jar for XILA2 base
- Modified dirty_ratio & dirty_background_ratio, should improve disk write.
- keep wpa_supplicant, wpa_client.so, etc from 2.3.5
- Minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
- Added ICS Domination 1.8 (thanks to vertumus)
- Modified theme, & mixed with 1.6 (modified by me some icons and windows)
- UV
- less power to wifi (same signal)
- 200-200mhz on sleep
- Tweaks battery
- Deleted EStrongs (Use MyFiles or download it from market)
- Updated GoogleSearch
- Fix VoiceSearch & GoogleSearch
- Updated Maps
- Updated MILocker.
- Changed modem to KPA
- Fix Kies Sync problems.
- More quality in photos & videos, it should.
- Fix totally hosts
- wpa_supplicant, wpa_client.so, etc from 2.3.5 (should improve connections with all passwords and all routers)
- Zipalign.
1.4.1 & 1.4.2:
- New kernel Illusion-xTreme v8 (based on siyah with modifications thanks to gokhanmoral)
- More dedicated RAM memory to system (more stable)
- More dedicated RAM memory to GPU & gpu buffering
- Default governor, lagfree.
- Tweaks lagfree
- Edit build.prop, more scrolling & fingerprint for market problems.
- Fix update Flash Player
- Email fixed, back to XWKL1 email. (If email FC, delete data app or flash with data wipes)
- Fix GoogleMusic Streaming (not tested,you can see registry googlemusic area for straaming, thanks to anarko919 for registry info)
- Deleted PalmaryWeather (drains battery)
- Updated Twitter
- Updated BLN Control
- Changed wallpaper & lockscreen wallp
- Changed modem to XXKL1
- Changed Browser to 5 agent, bounce, NO full screen (thanks to intronauta)
- Added signin.apk for login problems in samsung’s apps.
- Fix problems with 5.1 sound.
- modified media profiles to get better photos, 1080p and sound recording quality
- Zipalign.
- _
- Added Google music.
- Fix GoogleMusic Streaming.
- Added JkayDeluxe spanish-english (thanks to ñañe & company)
- New Base Samsung’s XWKL1
- New kernel added. (based on siyah, thanks to gokhanmoral)
- kernel optimizations.
- Voltages +25mV, more stable kernel.
- Fix Voodoo Louder mc1n2 supercurio, thanks (If it gives FC, reinstall app)
- Added Browser 5 Agent, full screen, & bounce anim, thanks to intronauta
- Added Kies
- Added Live Wallpapers.
- Back to Stock Music Player, streaming problems.
- Back to ondemand governor (more stable)
- Ondemand tweaked
- Added back ondemandx governor to kernel.
- Equal Battery-Performance.
- Modified GPU UP threshold of 300mhz to 99%
- Changed default Wallpaper.
- Otther minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
- New kernel with new Mali drivers, & new wifi drivers, 3step GPU, etc, thanks to gokhanmoral
- tweaks battery
- lulzactiveV2 added, default governor
- Added AOSP Email and widget* (thanks to anarko919 for the info)
- Deleted some app we don’t use
- Changed Music player to Google Music Player
- Deleted Go Locker
- Added MiLocker
- Updated jkay
- and more I don’t remember
1.2.0 & 1.2.1:
- New kernel added.
- Voltage +25mV for 500mhz
- Samsung Exynos Yamaha codec driver hacks built in kernel (thanks to supercurio)
- Bus undervolt -25mV
- Internal volt undervolt -25mV
- Back to Ondemand governor (should fix random reboots)
- Modified read_ahead_kb (fix freezes on 1080p videos from external sdcard)
- More scheduler tweaks, nr_requests, fifo_batch.
- Updated theme to ICS 1.7 of vertumus, thanks to him (not updated framework, I don’t like windows)
- New animations added.
- Added Phone.apk With CallRec, noise reduction, big contact image, and call off icon in the right. (thanks to anarko919 for info and his creator)
- Improve of Color and Sharpness by Default.
- Fix FlashPlayer.
- Updated JkayDeluxe (thanks to jkay) (delete data app for the problems with configuration).
- Added SQLite3 bin
- Changed modem to KI4 (more stable).
- Added RTS Threshold & Fragmentation to improve wifi link (2305 – 2304)
- Modified wifi power to save battery
- Changed default HOSTNAME to “Illusion-xT_i9100”
- Brightness adjusts to improve battery a little.
- Core usage improves to save battery without loss performance.
- Other minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
- _
- Increased Step1 of GPU due to problems with some 3D games.
- Decreased 200 & 500mhz bus to equilibrate the battery loss increasing Step1gpu
- Increased wifi scan interval
- Increased font size 14%.
- Improve battery on 3G (build.prop)
- Back to 1.0.1 performance tweaks.
- Little more GPU undervolt on awake & sleep.
- Changed default governor to ondemandx.
- Tweaks ondemandx.
- Changed default I/O scheduler to SIO.
- Tweaks SIO.
- Added FasterFix for gps problems.
- Fix Email sync.
- Moved FlashPlayer from /system to /data.
- Updated hosts file (12-2011).
- Updated busybox to v19.3
- Modem updated to KP1.
- Updated CSC to XXKL1.
- Reziped only Browser to improve ram only on browser & priorized on sleep.
- Changed Default wallpaper and other minor changes in theme.
- Updated Go Locker & deleted icstheme (search in market for themes if you like)
- Mounted all partitions with optimizations.
- Forced Picture quality to 100%.
- Minor tweaks.
- Zipalign.
- Improved battery without performance loss.
- Tweaks 2G/3G net&surfing, fast dormancy, build.prop (should improve battery and speed in 3g)
- Added Browser with UserAgent
- Updated Go Launcher EX
- Faster Battery charge when screen is off, normal when is on.
- Modified screenstates busfreqs.
- fixed some blutooth icons in theme
- Improving GPS speed, resolv.conf.
- Rezipped all .apk to get stability.
- Updated SuperUser binaries.
- Minor tweaks vm & governor.
- Zipalign.
- y should I forget ..
- Fixed problems with GPU undervolting.
- Some tweaks more.
- Zipalign.
- Initial Release.
Download Illusion-xT v1.8.0:
TouchWiz, for people who don’t like GoLauncherEX
Small Old font from Illusion-xT 1.0.1-2:
Deleted apps from XWKL1-base – Illusion-xT (included palmaryweather mod):
Arabic RTL Patch KK5 + keyboard: