If you donate please include your XDA name so I can show you the proper love for your contributions
David Eriksson
Josh Gutowski
[x] Rooted, Deodexed, Zipaligned
[x] Based on XWKK5
[x] KK6 Modem
[x] Entropy Daily Driver(12/21)
[x] Bravia Mod (Now an Add-On)
[x] Bloatware Removed
[x] Touchwiz 4 w/ 5 Icon Dock
[x] Touchwiz 4.5 (See below for APK) **Both TW Both themed for ICS**
[x] Google Talk Themed
[x] Google Search Themed
[x] BLN w/ Full SMS Support now
[x] Jkay 13.2 Deluxe
[x] Camera Modded for Volume button to take pictures, 1080i video recording
[x] CRT Screen Off/On Animation
[x] Roboto Font
[x] ICS Animations
[x] Android 4.0 Keyboard (See below for APK)
[x] Swype themed for ICS
[x] Google Maps update to 6.0
[x] ICS Alarms, notifications, ringtones, and ui sounds
[x] Accurate Battery Mod Increments of 1%
[x] NFC Supported
[x] Extended Power Menu only set the options you want
[x] Quick Panel Toggles upto 13 only set the ones you want
[x] Fully Customizable Lock Screens
[x] Numerous Lock Screen Icons to choose from (Thanks to PFittech his thread has additional icons to choose from)
[x] Disabled Blackscreen Issue after a call
[x] Wifi & USB Tethering Enabled
[x] Various tweaks to improve battery life
[x] Automatic Zip Align on boot
[x] Loopy Smoothness Tweak by lpy
[x] Tweaked scrolling speeds for better scrolling through lists
[x] Included libsqlite.so and libsqlite_ini.so from ICS
[x] Ad blocking via host file
[x] Removed SMS from appearing in Logs
[x] Forced GPU to Render UI to increase overall responsiveness
[x] Tweaks to Improve picture quality and video recording quality
[x] resolv.conf added for faster gps lock
[x] No converting SMS to MMS
[x] First boot takes a few minutes do not be alarmed.
Will be prompted to set time to sync Automatically.To Achieve ICS Lock Screen as Pictured Above:
[x] Open APP Drawer and select MiLocker
[x] Select Settings and check Enable MiLocker
[x] Hit back button.
[x] Select ICScrewD and press apply.
[x] Go into Deluxe Settings in App Drawer and Lockscreen select None.Line above Status Bar is from the app Battery Bar Settings which you can disable/enable and change the color to match ICS theme.
Enabling Swype to Remove Notifications
[x] Open App Drawer select NotifierPro
[x] Select Activate Service and enjoy!
Prerequisite: You must be running a kernel with CWM.
[1] Download ICScrewD_ROM_1.5.2-full.zip and place it on your SD card.
[2] Boot into Recovery
[3] Wipe data/factory reset
[4] Wipe cache partition
[5] Goto advanced
[6] Wipe dalvik cache
[7] Install ICScrewD_ROM_1.5.2-full.zip
[8] Boot up phoneIf you experience boot loops add these steps after step 4 above:
[1] Goto mounts
[2] Format data
[3] Format cache
[4] Format system
Prerequisite: You must be running a kernel with CWM.
[1] Download ICScrewD_ROM_1.x.x-update.zip and place it on your SD card.
[2] Power off your phone.
[3] With the phone powered off, hold both volume buttons and the power button for about 10 seconds and then release all three when you see the Galaxy S II logo disappear and reappear. This should boot you into CWM.
[4] Goto Advanced
[5] Wipe Dalvik Cache
[6] Select “install zip from sdcard” and navigate to and select ICScrewD_ROM_v1.x.x-update.zip.
[7] Once done click Reboot System Now.
v 1.5.2
Dalvik-cache wipe in updater-script (ensures no conflicts with prior jkay app)
Jkay Mod v 13.3.8 App added
Updated Framework-res and Systemui for Jkay Mod v 13.3.8
Google Maps updated to 6.0.3
– Fixed Swipe to Msg and Call
– Noise supression offv 1.5.1
Entropy DD 12/21 (Should help with WiFi issues some reported)
Status Bar Clear Notification Button is a bit wider
WiFi files patched once again, belkin users let me know if it works please
Gmail back to stock
File Manager added
Wallpaper Installs to SDCARD in case you encounter a black background
Removed Boot Soundsv 1.5
Fancy Rotation Added
Entropy DD 12/08 (Fixes Lock Screen Wake Lag)
Phone APK
– Removed Full Screen Contacts (Blurry Images Anyhow)
– Redid buttons and Icons
– Incoming Reject Themed
Contact APK
– Sweep List Theming Fixed
Touchwiz4 App Sorting should be fixed for all
NotifierPro added for swipe to remove notifications
USB Android Icons both now match
Updated Host File for Ad Blocking 12/20
3G/Edge Icons Themed to Match 4g
Removed APKs
– ICSSearchBox.apk
– ICSWallpapers.apk
v 1.4.2
Added ICScrewD LS Theme for MiLocker
Removed AppZorter no longer needed
TouchWiz4 APK
– Sorting fixed (With app drawer opened press menu > view type > alphabetical grid)
sqliblite3 binary
– Touchscreen tweaked slightly
– Removed conflicting init.d scripts (Thanks to Task650 for pointing out)
Host file aggresively patched 12/17v 1.4
Updated Modem to UCKK6
Updated kernel to Entropy DD 12/12
Audio Lib files updated from UCKK6
Contacts APK
– Removed Video Call Button
– Themed more like ICS
– Theme selector added
– Exchange security removed
Market updated to 3.4.4
Google Talk Issues fixed
MiLocker MIUI Lockscreens!
Market Issues fixed
Removed more bloatware
Build Prop Edits:
– Removed debug.performance.tuning=1 to improve battery performance
– Changed ro.product.model to SGH-I777
– Fixed few incorrect lines
– Removed Bravia Mod
Revamed 4g Icons(3g Icons to Come)
MIUI Battery Bar
-Use Battery Bar Settings to enable/disable and customize the look
Init.d tweaks for better performance, faster SDCARD RW speeds, better RAM
management, and increased battery lifev 1.3
SMS Re-themed
Fixed Black Text Issues
Themed Bluetooth Icon
Gmail Themed
Market Themed
Talk Themed
Calendar Icon matches ICS
More Vibrant Wallpaper & Lockscreen
TW 4 w/ 5 Icon Dock
Themed Google Search added back(did not include in 1.2 because of rendering issues)
Progress Bar Issue Fixedv 1.2
Bravia Mod for your eyes enjoyment!
WiFi reverted to 2.3.5 to fix issues
Fixed Wakelock StartingAlertService for TWCalendar
Battery Stats will be erased to reset wakelocks counters
Kernel Updated to Entropy DD 12/8
I/O Tweak Added since Entropy removed from his Kernel
MMS Theme Selector removed, still ICS themed (Will be back in later release)
G-Talk w/ Video no Wifi Needed for Video
Signal Icon now 4g instead of H+
Signal Bars all themed for ICS no more grey when not fully connected
Dialer slightly rethemed Semi-Transparent
Full-Screen Caller
BLN Included with ROM
Removed few more stock apk’s not neededv 1.1
Camera Modded to take pictures with Volume Buttons, 1080i Video Recording
ICS Animations added
Modded TW4 Laucher with AppZorter for A-Z sorting added to ROMv 1.0
Initial Release.
Do this if updating from earlier build of ICScrewD to save from having to flash twice. Delete jkay deluxe settings then boot into recovery and flash update. Thanks to Sledutah for pointing this out.