Needs ROOT

Well, with this app you can disable internet connection for a device on the same network. So if someone (anyone) is abusing the internet wasting precious bandwidth for a Justin Bieber videoclips you could just kill their connection and stay happy with a full bandwidth just for yourself.
Google pulled it from market, so it’s only available here:
Project homepage:
v1.5 (22/10/2011):
- added an option to assign a name to device’s MAC (long-click on the IP)
- added an option to show the notification status bar
- added option to set the range of IPs to scan, you can also stop the scan by pressing the search progress bar
- fixed some strange no-subnet-scan issue?
- fixed a bug that caused the percent to go over 9000!!!
- new ICON! the old was ugly, this is simple… meh.
v1.4 (19/10/2011):
- fixed a few Force Closes
- added check-for-updates feature
- fixed something more… don’t remember what it was now…
- fixed “Vibrate when new IP is found” bug (vibration never stopped)
- removed unused permissions (I think)
- added Menu => Search option for devices without hardware search button (sgs2)
- touching the “searching” progress will stop searching and reschedule it in 30 seconds (useful with large networks)
- fixed two FC
- fixed counter bug (I hope)
- fixed “ALL” toggle (should work as expected now)
- added reject methods in settings
- search button assigned to… searching IP’s
- fixed device count bug
- fixed FC
- (maybe) fixed a iptables error (in settings disable iptables)

Thank you and have a good night