This week I worked with the developer of Linux Installer to make it work on our phones. We had some difficulties with distance and language. He is in France and I am in USA. we used DroidVNC, ADBWireless and putting my phone into the DMZ of my router to effectively turn my development phone into a virtual platform which he was able to use from around the world.

We worked aproximately 16 hours this week on it and we both learned a lot. Just letting you know, Linux Installer is now compatible with the captivate and runs in a chroot environment.…=search_result This will install debian squeeze on your phone and give you the ability to apt-get install files from the Debian repositories.

The goal of linux installer is actually to boot your phone into linux, not install it side-by-side, however we were able to make it work in this way. Linux Installer now works side-by-side with the Captivate. To exit, the “linuxboot” command line app, just type “exit” and LinuxInstaller will shut down.

Ignore the pop-up about ext2. There is a kernel module which supports ext2 in Linux Installer. Remember this was made by a geek. It’s not really user friendly. go through each step and use the “liberate loop” button at the end Get your money out of that unlimited data plan Also, comming soon, Ubuntu on Captivate. This is my own project and I’ve managed to work most of the kinks out of it.

You can get the uboot script from the SVN repository on that page. It’s still in development. It requires a kernel with EXT4 and loop capabilities. It needs a front-end which I am now working on. __________________ my latest project Google+ :+AdamOutler Add me to your circles. Check out