Flash this ROM at your own Risk. Team FireFly and I are not responsible for what you do on your device.
FireFly 3.0:
Download page (includes mirrors and the following options)
Included on the download page:
- FireFly 3.0 – Base Rom with clock
- Upgrade from 2.9 to 3.0:
- This is a no wipe package
- You will have to flash the kernel on your own
You can download this ROM/Update using the FF Mods and Fixes app:
- This app will allow me to send updates and fixes over the air.
- It does require a internet connection and may take a few seconds to load.
- A HUGE thanks to wilsongis.
Quick Info:
- If you flash the ROM, and it is taking really long to boot, don’t worry, this is normal. It will only happen on the first boot. Subsequent boots will be lightning fast.
- Only use the update package if you are on FireFly 2.9. If you are on an older version, please use the update package in incremental order from the FF app[/URL]
Discussion for FireFly 3.0 starts here
Mods and Fixes are in Post #2
- Android 2.2
- JK4 Modem
- SpeedMod K13E
- Rooted
- Advanced Power Menu
- 5 Lock Screen Chooser
- Voodoo Sound and Color Fix
- Themed GB Launcher
- 3G-H symbol works as designed
- Modified logsprovider to filter out Mms in the phone log
- Hide AM/PM in the status bar clock (Settings->Date and Time)
- Clock/No Clock Toggle
- Auto Date/Time fixed
- Stay awake option (Settings->Applications->Development)
- Wifi Scan to 30 sec
- MMS with timestamp fix
- Awesome boot animation
- Themed Market
- Slick, polished and smooth UI
- Semi-Transparent Power Control Widget
- Right to left support
- Special Edition Xtreme Yummy Dialer
- Fugu Tweaks
- Applied Malware Patch
- English(Canada) Locale
- Ability to select music files as ringtones
- Fly animations
- Hacked Gallery (does not drain battery)
- Hacked Camera (takes picture with power button)
- Camera not dependent on Email app
- Browser optimized to run gif animations smoothly
- New look for some of the Lockscreens (Puzzle, Epic, Rotary)
- Fancy Widget FF clock skins included
- Tons of wallpapers to choose from
- 17 Battery Mods to choose from!!
- Fonts Galore!!
- Right to left support
- Optional Call recording
- Awesome app called FF Mods and Fixes v1.5
- Ability to receive updates and Fixes OTA
- Selection of dialers with the ability to change dialers without rebooting
- Change boot animations and flash battery mods
Included Apps
FF Mods and Fixes
Miui Music
Music 3.0
Awesome Themed Dialer
Captivate Tools 4.7.3
Titanium Backup
Themed Swype
Voodoo Sound Control App v0.10
Galaxy Tuner
Rescan Media
Version 3.0 – Apr 21, 2011
- 50% Time without signal bug fix
- Added themed Video Player
- Re-added XDA app
Version 2.9 – Apr 14, 2011
- Updated to SpeedMod K13E
- Clock/No Clock Toggle
- Auto Date/Time fixed (you can now manually change Date/Time)
- Wifi Scan to 30 sec
- MMS with timestamp fix is now included by default (about time, I know, sorry)
- Removed the superficial SD card fix
- Updated FF Mods and Fixes to 1.5
- You can now change dialers without rebooting (You can haz new dialer everyday
- Also added a new section FireFly Extras
- New Default Wallpaper + more wallpapers added to the wallpaper chooser
- New Boot Animation
- Updated Market
- Updated Google Maps
A big thanks to thebone01, bryman27, fritzgerald, wilsongis and everyone else for helping out on this update.
Previous Changelogs can found on the FireFly website
- adamholden85
- Kizzmiazz
- Zelendel
- Swift.Judgement – Link to his thread
- Tsachi
- xBarbarian
- roger_n
- defnow
- Razzman
- snorkle
- ztoloev
- eep2378
- NunHugger
- dfuse06
- apparition
- Haighter
- modmyphone
- bryman27
- fritzgerald
- wilsongis
- thebone01
- HaiKaiDo
If I have forgotten to mention your name in the credits, I apologize.
Please send me a PM and I will promptly fix the list.
Look at post #3 for more information on how to flash this ROM.
For questions/issues regarding this ROM, please post in this thread. Team FireFly and I will try our best to answer/address your concerns.If I did not respond to your question/concern, don’t get mad. It gets pretty hectic sometimes.
FireFly Signature:
If you want to represent FireFly in your signature and don’t want to worry about continuously updating it as the versions go on, then use this sigpic. It will be updated automatically with each update.
Special thanks to modmyphone, these are his creative masterpieces.Place the following code in your signature.
Replace “(” & “)” with “[” & “]”Code:(IMG)http://www.arnav.laxsav.com/FireFly/OP/FF_sigpic.png(/IMG)
Join our IRC | HERE |
Change the channel to: #FireFlyFor those who already have an IRC client here is the server: irc.shadowcard.net
Channel: #FireFly
Port: 6667
★ Thank You and Enjoy! ★